NEW YORK ASSOCIATION OF EMERGING & MULTICULTURAL PROVIDERS, INC. member agencies are required to commit to the prescribed principles and standards of conduct, which apply to the supports, provided in the professional relationship with persons served, parents and guardians of individuals served; with colleagues, related agencies and professionals, other stakeholders and with the community as a whole. In abiding by these standards, it is understood that the member organization views its obligation in as wide a context as the situation requires, taking all the principles into consideration and choosing a course of action consistent with the spirit and purpose by which it was created.

As a member of NEW YORK ASSOCIATION OF EMERGING & MULTICULTURAL PROVIDERS, INC., the organization: Shall provide supports and services as a public trust that requires integrity, compassion, and respect for individual differences and choice.

  • Shall provide supports and services designed to meet the needs of the individual with emphasis on promoting choice, inclusion, growth and development.
  • Shall respect the privacy of persons served and protect the rights of confidentiality.
  • Shall give preference to professional responsibility over any personal interests.
  • Shall advocate for standards that promote outcomes of quality for people.
  • Shall contribute ideas, findings, concepts, understanding, knowledge and practice to the body of community supports, and develop continuing education and expanded knowledge of the leading practices for services in the field of disabilities.
  • Shall encourage and advocate for the protection of the individual and the community against unethical and/or illegal practices or actions by other individuals or organizations engaged in providing supports.
  • Shall not discriminate because of race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, disability, or national ancestry, and shall work to eliminate or prevent such discrimination in providing supports.
  • Shall promote inclusion and equitable treatment of all people including those receiving supports; staff, friends, families and the public.
  • Shall serve as a responsible steward for public and private funds.

Shall be accountable for statements made with respect to individuals with disabilities and shall distinguish clearly, where appropriate, statements and actions made as an individual and those made as a representative of NEW YORK ASSOCIATION OF EMERGING & MULTICULTURAL PROVIDERS, INC.